Assertiveness, Body language, Creativity, Focus, Innovation, Listening, Personal Development
Courses: 1 - 12 of 93
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A Bias for Action
One of the original concepts from "In Search of Excellence" was "A Bias for Action." It's still very important. You need to try lots of stuff! Be willing to try and fix things. You'll always be ahead of the competition.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
A Journey Into The Heroic Environment: 8 Principles to Greater Productivity, Quality, Job Satisfaction and Profits
Based on book by Rob LebowIn the symbolic context of a dramatic story taking place on a cross-country train journey, A Journey in the Heroic Environment introduces the concept of the Heroic Environment, accomplished through eight principles that can lead to greater productivity, quality, job satisfa... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
A Positive Future
Creating a postive future can be challenging at times. This "Conversation Starter- is designed to create awareness around the importance for making the right decision in the moment and making sure those decisions lend to accomplishing what we want long term.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
A True Example of Positive Focus
Follow Cliff Young's story to see how he used positive focus to gain success.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
A video guide for customer service and sales (episode 1)
What is the Eye Zone? How do you "Hold the Floor?" Do you have a Confident Voice? This extremely interesting 2-part series covers basic and intermediate skills necessary to understand and use body language effectively in sales or customer service. A sales and customer service training video featurin... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
A video guide for customer service and sales (episode 2)
What is the Eye Zone? How do you "Hold the Floor?" Do you have a Confident Voice? This extremely interesting 2-part video series covers basic and intermediate skills necessary to understand and use body language effectively in sales or customer service. A sales and customer service training video fe... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Achieving SMART Goals
Lean the SMART formula and set specific measurable goals that are relevant and achievable within a time frame. Carol says she is successful because she constantly sets herself daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. She distinguishes between short-term and longer-term goals and introduces the team ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Apologizing Carefully
Serena is inspired to apologize to Carol and wants a Sorry Day at Cutting Edge. They discuss different forms of sorry including the empathy. Sam and Michael take time out to work on their apologies for ongoing disputes, but they argue about how to apologize. Carol tells Serena about what she believe... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Appreciate Feedback
Welcome feedback wihtout defensiveness and continually improve.Dion hears some tough feedback from Carol who explains why she would not hire him. It-s important for everyone to welcome feedback - both positive and critical feedback, but Sam gets defensive when Michael offers feedback on his latest p... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Assert yourself: learning to be assertive
The aim To show staff what assertive behavior is and isn't, and how and when to be assertive. About the program Assertive behavior means saying what we want, need, feel, think or believe in ways which are direct, honest and appropriate, but also respects the rights of those we are addressing - treat... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Be Confident and Assertive
Speak with confidence, overcome personal blocks and be assertive.Confidence is a necessary part of the workplace. Casey is marked immediately as a person lacking confidence. She needs to become aware of how she talks and comes across. As Sam points out, changing her intonation and using fewer vague ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Beyond words for hiring and interviewing (episode 1)
Did you know that some jury consultants use body language experts when they are screening jurors? Apply these same skills to interviewing job applicants. A hiring and interviewing training video featuring leading body language expert Jan Hargrave. A hiring and interviewing training video featuring l... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only