Courses: 1 - 10 of 10
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Eric's Story
Everyone has something to learn and to teach. Watch Eric's story to find out what he learned about the power of generations.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Finding Common Ground
Discover how a multi-generational team can do meaningful work "together"?
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Flashpoint: When Values Collide
There’s only one Morris Massey! With humor and candor, Dr. Massey cuts to the heart of our cultural taboos to demonstrate how myths about Sex, Ethnicity and Age (S-E-A) sabotage our personal and professional relationships. Help team members develop shared values by recognizing their homegrown prejud... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Generation Gap
Discover what a Greek Poet learned about generations 3000 years ago.Time to change our point of view.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Getting to Know the Generations
Has your team faced tension between the generations? This "Conversation Starter" is designed to create awareness around the generations and show that everyone has something to learn and something to teach.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Seeing Our Differences as Strengths
Discover how differences between generations can be an asset.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Shifting Years Series
Shifting Years discusses how multiple generations working together should be leveraged as a source of great potential - instead of a cause for tension. By finding a common ground, respecting differences, and letting go of assumptions, great things can happen!Hosted by Seeing Red Cars author, Laura G... read more
Shifting Your Perception
What are your assumptions about the different generations? Discover a new perspective that will change your views of generations.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Teamwork Across Generations - T.A.G.
Part of the Winning Coaches Series Football’s winning coaches Mike Ditka, Sean Payton, Rex Ryan, and Bobby Bowden provide insight into how to work successfully across generations. These coaches, have an amazing track record of success. Day in and day out, they have to deal with multiple generations ... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Winning Coaches Series
Football’s winning coaches Mike Ditka, Sean Payton, Rex Ryan, and Bobby Bowden provide you and your team with insights on Sales, Innovation, Leadership, and Teamwork in this new series. These coaches have an amazing track record! Now you can take their core lessons and apply them to your job.Looking... read more