Coaching is one of the most powerful tools available for helping employees reach business and professional development goals. So why aren't companies realizing the tremendous benefits that come from it?
Most companies rely solely on a manager-driven approach, failing to recognize that willing employees can mentor their peers. And many managers lack the skills to develop their staff. As a result, a company's greatest resource - its employees - remains underutilized and undeveloped.
Dimensions of Coaching, a 1-hour or 2 1/2-hour workshop, teaches employees with expertise and availability how to help their coworkers to become productive and effective. Key concepts covered in the workshops include: adapting your coaching style to the learner's personality and needs; the difference between directive and nondirective, programmatic and circumstantial, specific and holistic coaching styles; and the four-step coaching process - a proven, simple approach.
Because the methods and tactics taught in Dimensions of Coaching are based on considerable empirical research, it benefits all employees - from the most experienced manager, to the new hire. And by empowering all members of your team to help each other, your entire workforce will be better prepared to meet the challenges of the marketplace and perform at their peak.
After completing the workshop, participants will learn:
- How to coach - the use of directive or nondirective approaches
- When to coach - creating an ongoing development program or coaching as circumstances warrant
- What approach to use - holistic or specific
Workshop Overview
- Introduction
- Complete coaching style Preferences self-assessment
- Determine coaching style
- Video Viewing
- Increase awareness of effective coaching
- Group Discussion
Participants learn:
- The difference between coaching and supervision
- What coaching styles employees respond to
- What makes an effective coach
- The differences between directive and nondirective coaching
and when to use them
- The differences between circumstantial and programmatic coaching
and when to use them
- The differences between specific and holistic coaching and when to use them
- Group Exercise
- Assess and evaluate the effectiveness of their own
coaching style and preferences
- Role-Play Exercises
- Practice the four-step coaching process and various coaching styles
- Fast Networking Exercise
- Learn and practice the concepts of follow-up and encouragement
- Conclusion and Key Take Aways
- Create an action plan for using skills learned in the workshop on the job