Wonder what's the number one reason an employee fails
at your firm?
Research shows that the most common cause of personal and professional failure is not lack of intelligence or technical ability, but rather ineffective personal skills. When you consider that the average cost of replacing an employee is $75,000 - and this doesn't include the individual's effect on your team's morale, performance, and productivity - it's obvious that teaching your workforce how to resolve conflicts in a positive manner is in everyone's best interest.
Effective People Skills is a suite of eight 1-hour workshops that cover every conceivable type of conflict that occurs in your workplace, as well as related topics. Most important, it teaches your employees essential skills for resolving conflicts, enhancing collaboration and productivity, and infusing a spirit of teamwork and respect at your company.
Each workshop features an information-rich participant's workbook and an engaging video that dramatizes a particular type of conflict and models an ideal response. The eight modules can be used individually or together, enabling you to tailor content to the unique needs of your organization.
The Effective People Skills Suite
Determining the Right Response to Conflict
(1-hour workshop with video)
Conflict with others is an unavoidable part of the workplace. Knowing that there are four types of conflict (covert/passiveaggressive, covert-passive, overt-aggressive, and overt-assertive) and that there are four powerful strategies individuals can use in each of these situations empowers all of your employees to turn difficult encounters into productive situations.
Handling Overt Conflict
(1-hour workshop with video)
Dealing with hot-tempered individuals tests the mettle of even your most poised employee. Handling Overt Conflict teaches every member of your team to stay calm and to develop constructive dialogs with individuals at your firm who are notorious for being difficult - a great way to enhance productivity and bring peace to the office!
Handling Covert Conflict
(1-hour workshop with video)
What's the best way to approach individuals who don't air their grievances in public, but instead, internalize it and undermine the workplace in subtle ways? Handling Covert Conflict teaches your team how to draw out the hidden issues and concerns of disgruntled employees so that everyone can perform at their peak.
The Aikido Approach to Conflict
(1-hour workshop with video)
The non-violent martial art of aikido has won the accolades of leading thinkers because its enables participants to view conflict from a radically different perspective - one that allows individuals to resolve differences in a harmonious, noncompetitive, and productive manner. Now you can give your workforce these same powerful tools for use in their day-to-day workplace interactions.
Working Collaboratively
(1-hour workshop with video)
Much has been said about the importance of collaboration in the global economy, yet far too many employees still think of their areas of responsibilities as personal fiefdoms. Working Collaboratively teaches your staff the fundamentals of collaboration - the art of working together artfully, skillfully, and creatively - which is a powerful way to enhance the productivity of your workforce.
(1-hour workshop with video)
It's an old adage that listening is one of the most difficult skills to learn. It's a fact that poor listening skills result in lost opportunities, frustrated workers, and unnecessary mistakes. Listening teaches participants the four steps needed to be a good listener (releasing, attending, amplifying, and reflecting) and how everyone benefits by giving their fellow workers their ear.
(1-hour workshop with video)
Employees who lack the confidence to assert themselves in the workplace deprive your company of innovative ideas and valuable feedback, and they eventually end up frustrated and discontented with their jobs. Asserting helps these individuals to develop the skills they need to express ideas and goals that can make a difference at your company and to find greater satisfaction in their careers.
Giving and Receiving Feedback
(1-hour workshop with video)
For us to grow personally and professionally, we must be able to give and receive feedback, yet few individuals know how to do this in a nonthreatening and productive manner. Giving and Receiving Feedback teaches your team how to use these two critical skills to help themselves and their associates become what they want to be.