
During his seven years in captivity, ex-hostage Terry Anderson developed coping strategies that enabled him to thrive in an extremely difficult environment. Together with acclaimed human intelligence expert Dr. Robert Flower, Anderson teaches skills that empower professionals to succeed no matter what challenges they face.

What sets apart people who achieve their goals from those who don't?

It's arguably the most fundamental and important question trainers should be asking themselves. Because the answer explains why certain individuals and companies succeed.

How You Think Is Everything: The Power of Natural Intelligence is a groundbreaking 1- or 4-hour workshop that teaches your employees to focus on goals instead of obstacles, to eliminate habits that stifle innovation and progress, and to focus on what they're doing, not how they're doing. A transformative experience that leaves a lasting impression, How You Think Is Everything: The Power of Natural Intelligence inspires participants to cultivate new ways of thinking that create personal and professional success.

How You Think Is Everything: The Power of Natural Intelligence is based on an uplifting video interview with Terry Anderson, the Associated Press bureau chief in Beirut who was held hostage for seven years, and Dr. Robert Flower, a noted pioneer in the field of human intelligence. Each man shares how he turned difficult challenges into opportunities for growth and developed a philosophy that sees adversity as a stepping stone for personal transformation - concepts that will empower your workforce to excel.

By the end of the session, attendees will be able to:
  • Identify their inhibitors and break through them
  • Eliminate unproductive emotions and beliefs
          that stifle productivity
  • Use specific techniques for setting goals and attaining them

How You Think Is Everything: The Power of Natural Intelligence is also apowerful compliment to workshops on goal setting, conflictresolution, interpersonal skills, strategic planning, team building,identifying paradigms, and motivation.

Workshop Overview

   How You Think Is Everything: The Power of Natural Intelligence
  (1-Hour Workshop)

  • Participants

  •      -Watch an inspirational video of motivational speaker and
           former hostageTerry Anderson and Dr. Robert Flower,
           a pioneer in the field of human intelligence
         -Participate in a "What If" exercise that helps attendees to
           look at themselves and their work with a new perspective
           and to understand thedifference between perceived
           and real obstacles
         -Create a Personal Action Plan for success

  How You Think Is Everything: The Power of Natural Intelligence
  (4-Hour Workshop)

  • Participants

  •      -Watch an inspirational video of motivational speaker and
           former hostageTerry Anderson and Dr. Robert Flower,
           a pioneer in the field of human intelligence
         -Learn to focus on goals instead of obstacles
         -Understand the need for personal growth
         -Assess their current position and status
         -Identify one trait they'd like to change
         -Set specific targets
         -Break down targets into specific behaviors
         -Learn the difference between product and process goals
         -Chart goals in order to break them down into
           manageable steps
         -Anticipate and overcome obstacles
         -Create and use goal trees
         -Write a personal "goal statement"
         -Monitor progress toward their goals
Video Running Time (minutes)
Workplace Publishing
Course ID