
The  Cutting Edge Simple English Series packagewas designed by psychologist Eve Ash, linguistics expert Dr Fran Byrnesand features comedienne Erin Brown and a team of talented performersfrom the Cutting Communication Comedy Series. 

It comprises 20 ground-breaking programs that combine psychology,linguistics and instructional design to engage learners of English.Each video includes tips and encouragers for new learners, simplechatting examples of language in use, grammar and language rules, wordsand expressions and opportunities for learners to copy examples in realtime. Included in the package are PowerPoint slides, activitiesand handouts, certificates and full scripts. And if required, ClosedCaptions can be accessed.

Each episode takes the following form:
1. Introduction
2. Chatting
3. Grammar
4. New words
5. Funny things we say
6. Listen and repeat
7. Tips

This CUTTING EDGE SIMPLE ENGLISH SERIESfollows the success of the CUTTING EDGE BASICENGLISH SERIES and the CUTTING EDGE ENGLISHAT WORK SERIES, and takes English to its simplest level fornew starters to the language. It can be used in a wide range oflanguage learning situations, in classrooms and for self-study. Theseries can be used for learners prior to using the BASICENGLISH and the more advanced ENGLISH AT WORKSERIES

English as Second Language
Series or Video Sets
Release Date
Jan 1, 2015
Seven Dimensions - Eve Ash
Course ID

Component Items

This is a compilation item which contains other items. Licensing this one item causes all of the following items to be licensed.

This program covers basic language for meeting and greeting people.It introduces the verb to be, simple words, expressions and tips and apractice section In thisprogram covers basic language for meeting and greeting people. Introduction: Someof o
DVD style course with completion certificate only
This program covers basic use of numbers in every day language. Itintroduces ordinal numbers, simple words, expressions and tips and apractice section. In thisprogram people use numbers in everyday situations. Introduction: Carol,Barney, Steve an
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Can you spell that?
In this program people spell words to clarify information. Itintroduces the pronouns my and your, simple words, expressions and tipsand a practice section. In thisprogram people spell words to clarify information. Introduction: Carol,Barney, Stev
DVD style course with completion certificate only
About Us
In this program we describe people - both physical andnon-physical descriptions. It introduces asking personal questions,simple words, expressions and tips and a practice section. In thisprogram we describe people - both physical and non physicaldescriptions.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Where is it?
In this program we describe where things are. It introducesprepositions in, on, under, next to as well as simple words,expressions and tips and a practice section. In thisprogram we describe where things are. Introduction: Carol,Barney, Steve and Serena i
DVD style course with completion certificate only
This program covers exact clock time and expressions of time. Itintroduces time expressions and asking about time, simple words,expressions and tips and a practice section. Thisprogram covers exact clock time and expressions of time. Introduction:
DVD style course with completion certificate only
How much? How many?
This program covers language for quantity how much and how many.It introduces count and non-count nouns, simple words, expressions andtips and a practice section. In thisprogram covers language for quantity - how much and how many. Introduction:
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Meal time
This program covers language used in preparing and eating meals. Itintroduces the present continuous tense (Verb +ING), simple words,expressions and tips and a practice section. Thisprogram covers language used in preparing and eating meals. Introduction:
DVD style course with completion certificate only
This program covers simple language about work and going to work.It introduces the use of questions like What do you do?, simple words,expressions and tips and a practice section. Thisprogram covers simple language about work and going to work. Introduction:
DVD style course with completion certificate only
At the market
This program covers languages for shopping at the market andchecking prices. It introduces the use of this to establish a time,simple words, expressions and tips and a practice section. In thisprogram covers languages for shopping at the market and checking prices. Int
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The weekend
This program covers language for relaxation time on the weekend. Itintroduces the future tense will and going to, simple words,expressions and tips and a practice section. In thisprogram covers language for relaxation time on the weekend. Introduction:
DVD style course with completion certificate only
At home
This program covers language for things we do in and around ourhomes. It introduces the use of Let s, simple words, expressions andtips and a practice section. Introduction: Carol, Barney, Steve and Serena introduce theprogram.Chatting:
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Vacation time
This program covers language for preparing for and talking aboutvacations. It introduces need and don t need, simple words, expressionsand tips and a practice section. Introduction: Carol, Barney, Steve and Serena introduce theprogram.Chatting:
DVD style course with completion certificate only
This program covers the online world of shopping and doing businessonline. It introduces the use of which? and which one?, simple words,expressions and tips and a practice section. Introduction: Carol, Barney, Steve and Serena introduce theprogram.Ch
DVD style course with completion certificate only
I don't know
This program explores the language for not understanding and askingfor help. It introduces how to express being sure or unsure, simplewords, expressions and tips and a practice section. Introduction: Carol, Barney, Steve and Serena introduce theprogram.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
I love it
This program covers things we love and how we like to do things. Itintroduces the language for liking and loving things, simple words,expressions and tips and a practice section. Introduction: Carol, Barney, Steve and Serena introduce theprogram.Chat
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Doing things
This program covers a range of activities we do every day at home.It introduces can/can t, simple words, expressions and tips and apractice section. Introduction: Carol, Barney, Steve and Serena introduce theprogram.Chatting:
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Fun with friends
This program covers language for relaxing with friends. Itintroduces offering and asking politely, simple words, expressions andtips and a practice section. Introduction: Carol, Barney, Steve and Serena introduce theprogram.Chatting:
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Are you OK?
This program covers our wellbeing and simple language for feelingunwell, It introduces the use of should, simple words, expressions andtips and a practice section. Introduction: Carol, Barney, Steve and Serena introduce theprogram.Chatting:
DVD style course with completion certificate only
This program covers basic language for reporting and dealing withemergencies. It introduces imperatives, simple words, expressions andtips and a practice section. Introduction: Carol, Barney, Steve and Serena introduce theprogram.Chatting:
DVD style course with completion certificate only