
The aim
To ensure managers appreciate how to maintain people's long-term performance by applying necessary discipline. About the program
This program shows managers and team leaders who have responsibilities for staff just how badly a discipline interview can be handled. By analyzing the wrong way to interview, it then shows how the right skills can keep staff motivated and working towards the same goals.

I'd like a word with you introduces three managerial styles that need improvement. Ethelred the Unready treats the discipline interview as a ritual rebuke and is completely unprepared. He has to learn how to identify the gap between the individual's performance and standard.

Ivan the Terrible fails to ask questions or listen to explanations. He discovers that he must use these skills to uncover the true reasons for the individual's lack of performance.

Gillian the Silent is expecting a battle of wills and fears she'll lose. She learns that she must work out an agreeable plan to bring someone's performance up to the expected standard. In each case the program shows how conflict can be avoided and a potential problem turned into a valuable team performer. The benefits
  • Explores essential interviewing skills
  • Most suited to first-line managers and team leaders
  • Engaging and amusing drama to reinforce the messages
  • Three scenarios that are ideal for introducing role-plays
Related training issues:
Appraisal interviewing
Managing problem people
Assertiveness Information:
A Video Arts production featuring Hugh Laurie, Paul Merton, Dawn French, Jesse Birdsall and Helen Baxendale. Release date: 1996
Experienced Supervisor Curriculum
Performance reviews & appraisals
Release Date
Jun 1, 1996
Video Running Time (minutes)
Video Arts Ltd.
Featured Talent
Helen Baxendale
Jesse Birdsall
Dawn French
Hugh Laurie
Paul Merton
Presentation Style
Humorous drama
Course ID