Marcus runs a training session to help staff manager anger, and invites Serena as the anger management expert, which makes Carol angry. Marcus uses a toy crocodile and some boxing kangaroos to get the messages across, but when Michael and Sam are asked to demonstrate their anger management skills the role-play escalates into an embarrassing situation.
Marcus commences a training session on dealing with anger in the workplace and introduces Serena as an expert in anger. Many comment on what makes them angry at work, and Carol is of course angry with Serena. Marcus uses a toy crocodile and some boxing kangaroos to get the messages across. He asks Steve and Sanjay to role-play an angry exchange which actually escalates rather than either of them dealing with their anger. Casey feels very empowered by the toy. Serena makes it clear that the kangaroo is a metaphor while Carol aggressively flicks the toy in her face. Serena talks about the importance of being able to express the feeling of anger without acting out the anger. When Michael and Sam are asked to demonstrate their anger management skills the role-play escalates into an embarrassing situation.Serena tries to get them to express anger about the situation without the emotion of being angry. Marcus feels the meeting has been a great success.
Key Learning Points
"It’s easy to escalate anger . It’s a skill to dissipate anger and remain calm"
Don't bottle up anger
INSTEAD: Calmly explain how you feel
Don’t react to anger with anger
INSTEAD: Rise above and stay rational
Don’t get stuck on emotions
INSTEAD: Be empathic and move forward
Don’t walk away without resolution
INSTEAD: Find common ground and resolve